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European Beech
The European Beech (Fagus sylvatica) is one of the most important native species in the UK. Beech saplings are collected and developed as bonsais, however, these trees require more time than usual bonsais to reach their full potential look. The trunks and development of ramification in the branches can take some time but the outcome results in a beautiful large-trunked bonsai. Many Beeches will have one major flush of growth each year during the month of May. During this month, Beech shoots will start to appear and buds will start to form.
The European Beech grows happily when in semi-shade or direct sunlight. However, they do require a position sheltered from the burning midday sun in the summer and from strong winds, both of these can cause the leaves to scorch and brown. Frost protection is very much required when temperatures reach -5°C or less. If put through in these conditions, the European Beech will require more generous amounts of water, especially if planted in a smaller pot.
Repotting is recommended every two years in the Spring as the buds extend - more mature specimens can be repotted as and when necessary. Knowing that the main growth period of this bonsai is in the Spring, pruning them when in their prime would improve the ramification of the branches. It is important to note that pinching out the growth tip after the second leaf emerges will greatly reduce the internodal length.