Red Cedar


The Eastern Red Cedar can become a gorgeous Bonsai. One of the main issues in growing this type of Bonsai is that the trunk tends to shoot up straight like a telephone pole, at least that is the sentiment in various forums. However, having a good pre-bonsai to avoid this is key. This is why we are so happy to bring you this collection. Our Young Red Cedar bonsai & pre-bonsai are amazing materials to start with. 

Another little secret that you'll want to know is that although it's called a Cedar, it's actually from the Juniper family, making it a hardy and fast grower that very quickly (compared to other varieties), can be a display tree.

Our Red Cedar Bonsai is grown from the most magnificent trees that have successfully grown up to be mature Bonsai's.

These are not seeds - But Actual Bonsai Tree

Please see our Choosing a Bonsai page, for the age and dimensions regarding the different stages of our Bonsai (Baby, Young, & Mature).

Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews

No Response to numerous messages
Never deal with this store again


Also good

Grencia Lee Di Nardo (Ottawa, CA)
Amazing care quality

The younglings came in more beautiful than anticipated!

jeremy wallace (Calgary, CA)
Red Cedar

My tree arrived and it’s absolutely flawless, so I ordered two more.

John-Paul Munro (Fergus, CA)
Came as advertised

Seems to be a great little tree. I am very happy with my purchase and will definitely be purchasing more in the future once my wife lets me. Haha.

For some reason I can only see the mature trees in the photos unless I add the item to my basket, and see the photos there. Might want to find out what’s causing this on the website.

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