

With a striking bark, beautiful green foliage and a stunning spring flowering, the Flowering Dogwood (Cornus Florida) and the highly desired Japanese Dogwood (Conus Kousa) is stunning material for a Bonsai Project. 

Flowering Dogwood

(Cornus Florida) is native to North America making them hardy and resilient Bonsai material. The flowers that emerge on more established trees are off-white with four or five rounded petals.

Japanese Dogwood

(Cornus Kousa) is native to East Asia in countries like Korea, China and Japan. The flowers on the Japanese Dogwood have more triangular white petals and green leaves that with pruning can be significantly reduced. Being from the region where Bonsai (and Penjing) has been practiced for centuries, the Japanese Dogwood is a very desirable bonsai. 

In the fall you can expect these leaves to turn magnificent hues of red and purple.

The ideal time to prune Dogwood Bonsai is actually during the fall/winter. Thinning out branches to make more room for desired growth and pruning back leggy branches. 

This also makes the fall/winter the best time to ship these trees. As they can sustain longer periods without watering and light. 


Our Baby flowering dogwoods are 12 months old and are shipped in growing plugs.

Baby Japanese Dogwoods are 12 months old and shipped in 4" shallow nursery pots.

The Young Flowering dogwoods have been clump planted, using 2-3 plugs combined to achieve a multi-trunk design. If you prefer to have a single trunk, you can still separate the single trunks when repotting. 


These are not seeds - But Actual Bonsai Tree

Please see our Choosing a Bonsai page, for the age and dimensions regarding the different stages of our Bonsai (Baby, Young, & Mature).

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Amanda L (St Louis, US)

Arrived quickly and was very healthy, great company and beautiful tree!


Was a good.starter tree was what described arrived fast amd sexure

Deneen Brigham (Thunder Bay, CA)

Plants arrived healthy and on time

Darlene Forrest (Petawawa, CA)

A little larger than I expected, arrived very quickly and in good shape. She is already getting new leaves. I am very pleased

Alina (Gatineau, CA)

Arrived quickly, well packaged and healthy. I had a little bit of difficulty finding a good spot for it. For now it likes the living room and away from air vents. New foliage is appearing. I am very happy with my purchase and will definitely purchase more.

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