Powder Puff


The Powder Puff (Calliandra) is a species native to Tropical & Sub-Tropical Americas. 

The Powder Puff is called that way because of its showy cotton ball-like puffy blooms, which have a long growing season. It is definitely an indoor variety in Canada as the Powder Puff enjoys the heat. In fact, the hotter, the better. As well as full sun, indoors, it often needs additional growing lights unless it gets 6-8 hours of direct sunlight a day. The Powder Puff's growth will be sparse when not getting enough light, so it is easy to tell when more light is needed. 

When in bloom, this is a stunning species and adds a pop of colour and uniqueness to any and every Bonsai collection. 



The Powder Puff does not enjoy temperatures under 18° celsius, so a warm environment is needed. During summer heat spells, it is excellent to give the Powder Puff some outdoor time. But keep in mind the nights have to be above 18° to keep it safe. Otherwise, we would suggest growing it indoors year-round. Along with a growing light, a heating light that is turned on during the day and turned off at night is a great way to ensure the Powder Puff is happy, blooming and thriving. 

Watering: Powder Puffs like moist soil, and the soil should never be allowed to dry out. Once the top of the soil dries out, water it until it starts draining. Then repeat when the soil dries out. 

Fertilizing: Powder Puffs are voracious and enjoy lots of fertilizer when healthy and growing. During the growing season (Spring to Fall), fertilize with a liquid fertilizer every week or once a month with a solid fertilizer. Never fertilize a weak or unhealthy Bonsai.

Pruning: The Powder Puff withstands aggressive pruning, and the pruning can be done year-round when the tree is healthy and growing. The Powder Puff's trunk needs to be trained and shaped very young; otherwise is becomes hard quickly. Heavier pruning will encourage denser growth and more flowering. 

Repotting: it is recommended to be repotted every year in the Spring or early summer for younger plants. When older it can be done every two years. 



YOUNG: 6" - 12" tall, comes in a 4" grower's pot.

YOUNG 2: 8" - 14" tall, comes in a 6" grower's pot. 

MATURE SHOHIN: 8" - 16" tall, comes in ceramic 6" Bonsai pot.

MATURE: 10"-18" tall, comes in an 8" ceramic Bonsai pot. 


These are not seeds - But an Actual Living Bonsai Tree.

Please see our Choosing a Bonsai page for the age and dimensions regarding the different stages of our Bonsai (Baby, Young, & Mature).

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Kate Herring (Toronto, CA)
Powder puff tree

I love this tree. I was very worried when I first got it. It did not look good. It looked dead. Little foliage and most of what foliage it had was dried out and dead. But after a month it looks beautiful. It has completely filled out. It's got lots of new foliage and now I'm hoping I can get it to bloom. Love the plants!!

luigi venturuzzo (Toronto, CA)

The plant no flowers yet. Plant is doing fine.

Barbara Price (Toronto, CA)
Powder Puff

I've had it for about 2 weeks and so far so good. I am so looking forward to seeing it blooming.

Benoit (Sainte-Adele, CA)
Excellent service

Les végétaaux sont arrivés en bonne santé !
L'emballage était adéquat et bien proportionné.
Le 'Powder Puff' était plus gros que je ne le croyais.
Je conseil 'Bonsai store' en tout point, même pour le service -clientèle tout a fait rapide dans leurs réponses.

Tricia Risling (Saskatoon, CA)
Won’t order anywhere else!

I couldn’t be happier with my purchases from this place! I live in Saskatchewan and it takes time to ship and of course shipping can be rough sometimes. I contacted them with a tree that was killed in transport, I’m sure it was NOT their fault. They send me another tree with my next order and it was all perfect! Great people to deal with! Thank you so much!! My platters are all happy and showing new growth! I can’t recommend these guys enough!!

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